Town Seeks Resident Feedback with Survey for Annual Town Meeting

Wilmington’s Town Meeting is a form of democracy in which an annual meeting is held for registered Wilmington voters to vote on policy and budget for the Town. The Town’s Board of Selectmen issues a warrant for the Meeting, which is the list of items (known as articles) to be voted on, with descriptions of each article. At the annual Town Meeting, voters vote on the new fiscal year budget and on articles that may include capital improvements, zoning changes and changes to the Town’s general bylaws.

The Town is seeking feedback from residents on the current schedule and prospect of changing the schedule format of the Annual Town Meeting.  Currently, Town Meeting occurs on the Saturday following the April Town Elections (taking place on the 4th Saturday in April). The Town Meeting begins at 10:30 am and may last into the evening.  Click here to take the survey.

The survey is open until November 30, 2018.