Special Town Meeting

Town of Wilmington Citizen Notification System

Dear residents,

We are reaching out with one last communication ahead of our Special Town Meeting taking place this coming Saturday, the 19th, beginning at 9 AM at the Joanne M. Benton auditorium in the Wilmington High School. Saturday, resident voters will be tasked with voting on two distinct building projects for a new Senior Center and a new Town Hall School Administration building. We are anticipating a large turnout and doors will open at 7:30 AM to begin checking in voters. 

We would like to publicly thank everyone involved in these two projects and everyone involved in running the meeting on Saturday. The Town would not be able to operate without our resident volunteers who dedicate their time serving on Wilmington's Boards and Committees and running our Town Meetings. We would also like to thank you, the voters, for participating in making decisions for your community. 

These are significant projects with significant costs and these decisions must not come lightly. It’s our hope that you have been able to follow along with our meetings and communications to assist in making informed votes come Saturday. If you are new to this discussion or would like to learn more, we have done our best to consolidate many of the resources available on our Special Town Meeting webpage – https://www.wilmingtonma.gov/specialtownmeeting

Specifically, you’ll find:

The Special Town Meeting warrant – The official document signed by our Board of Selectmen containing the Articles to be taken to vote on Saturday: https://www.wilmingtonma.gov/sites/g/files/vyhlif5221/f/uploads/11.19.2022_wilmington_stm_warrant.pdf


Child Care sign-up link – A WPS Cares supervisor will be overseeing HS volunteers providing limited child care during the meeting. To sign up, please visit: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf4uOPQuVQRFwwKc38lK_GcKRcO0XB_N68BSpkPWA5HyXdsKw/viewform


A letter from our Town Moderator who runs the meeting – https://www.wilmingtonma.gov/sites/g/files/vyhlif5221/f/uploads/22-10-26_wilmtm_moderators_letter_re_special_town_meeting.pdf


A Citizen’s guide to Town Meetings - https://www.wilmingtonma.gov/sites/g/files/vyhlif5221/f/uploads/22-08-18_wilmtm_wilmington_-_citizens_guide_to_town_meeting.pdf


The Special Town Meeting warrant that includes the Finance Committee’s recommendations: https://www.wilmingtonma.gov/sites/g/files/vyhlif5221/f/uploads/11.19.2022_stm_warrant_with_recommendations.pdf


A letter from the Finance Committee chair - https://www.wilmingtonma.gov/sites/g/files/vyhlif5221/f/uploads/j_doherty_-_stm_message_rev_jo.pdf


A joint statement from the Town Manager and School Superintendent - https://www.wilmingtonma.gov/sites/g/files/vyhlif5221/f/uploads/11.14.2022_information_for_community_re._capital_projects_v.2.pdf


A link to our Facilities Master Plan – A document outlining all our public buildings including schedules for building replacements, summaries on deficiencies and specific details about each building: https://www.wilmingtonma.gov/sites/g/files/vyhlif5221/f/uploads/wilmingtonfacility_master_plan_final_report_appendices.pdf


Links to committee pages with resources including past meeting recordings:


A link to the Senior Center building committee page - https://www.wilmingtonma.gov/senior-center-building-committee


A link to the Town Hall School Administration building committee page - https://www.wilmingtonma.gov/town-hall-school-admin-building-committee


We hope to see you on Saturday.

Jeffrey Hull
Town Manager
