Town / School Administration Building Committee

The next meeting to continue discussions about the design of a building to accommodate town and school administrative staff will be held on Wednesday, June 29th @ 6:00 p.m. at Town Hall in Room 9.  This meeting is followed by an open house and forum on July 13th.  Residents are invited to tour the Town Hall during the open house from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.  Information about the Roman House will also be available.  Architect Phil O’Brien from the Johnson Roberts Associates will take attendees through the design of the building based upon work to date.  Residents are encouraged to learn about the project, ask questions and offer comment.  A special town meeting to seek funding for construction of this project is expected to occur in the fall of 2022.  The Board of Selectmen will be setting a special town meeting date in the near future.