Update to Bulky Items pickup schedule and Yardwaste

In an effort to maintain continuity with bulky item and home appliance pick up, as well as yard waste center usage, the Town will restore its regular schedule starting Saturday April 4. All services will be performed the same as it was previous to the virus situation. One exception is: There will be no punch cards sold at the yardwaste center.

Appliance Stickers and yardwaste punch cards are to be purchased at Town Hall but only on Tuesdays and Fridays, between 9:00am until 4:00pm, using the social distance protocol that has been established. A phone call to the Treasurer's office, 978-658-3531, on either day will start the process and one will be given instructions at that time on how to obtain the card or sticker.

Curbside leaf and yardwaste pickup will begin next week as posted on various Town calendars. To confirm the yard waste collection dates go to https://www.wilmingtonma.gov/public-works

Other information about the Town’s solid waste collection may be found on the DPW webpage also or call DPW at 978-658-4481 and leave a message with your phone number. We will get back to you in a timely manner.