Veterans Day Ceremonies to Be Available Live on WCTV

The ceremonies will commence on Wednesday, November 11, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. sharp.

On Monday, November 2, 2020, Governor Charlie Baker issued Revised Order Further Regulating Gathering in the Commonwealth, COVID-19 Order No. 54. Due to the recent increase in COVID-19 cases across the Commonwealth, Governor Baker has issued revised guidelines limiting the number of people who can gather indoors and outdoors.  Specifically the Governor’s order restricts the number of people who may gather outdoors for “all social, community, civic, public and leisure events…” to a maximum of 50 in communities that do not qualify as Low Risk Communities.  With the recent increase in COVID cases, Wilmington has been designated a “red” community for purposes of the state’s color coded risk categories.  Wilmington is considered a high risk community for COVID.

We greatly appreciate the robust community turnout each year in support of our veterans.  However, we must work within the order established by Governor Baker that not more than 50 people can assemble in an outdoor setting.  The ceremony will include invited speakers, police and fire honor guards, members of the Town’s state legislative delegation and Board of Selectmen and the Town Manager.  Everyone present for the ceremonies will be expected to wear a mask and socially distance.  Mr. Cimaglia will have the ceremonies live streamed through WCTV, channel 9 for Comcast subscribers and channel 37 for Verizon subscribers.  Those without cable may see the ceremony via WCTV’s Facebook page at  The proceedings can also be accessed via and via the Veteran’s Services Facebook page at

For your own safety and for the safety of others we ask that you tune in to the event remotely.  The Town would much prefer to invite the community to honor its veterans in person.  Under the current circumstances we ask for your patience and understanding during these challenging times.  Questions can be directed to the Veterans Services Office at 978-694-2040.  Thank you and be safe.